7 Tips for Perfect Sprinkler Photos of Your Kids

Nothing says summer like children playing with the sprinkler.
These joyful moments make precious memories, so make sure you capture some sprinkler photos of your kids!
That said, the fast-moving children, glare caused by water, and other elements may be challenging to get on camera.
So, here are seven tips for taking the perfect sprinkler photos of your kids this summer.

7 Tips to Capture the Perfect Sprinkler Photo of Your Kids
These seven tips should help you to capture better pictures of your kids. But before you start reading, here’s the most important tip – don’t forget to have fun!
Tip 1 – Prioritize the shutter speed
Credit: Getty Images, Unsplash+
The shutter speed is the most important of all the exposure settings when you have moving subjects. In this case, you have to consider the water from the sprinklers and your children running and playing.
Ideally, you’ll want to use the camera in manual mode. Set the shutter speed fast enough to keep the subjects sharp – I’d suggest you use 1/1000 as a starting point.
Then, choose an aperture that keeps the background blurred. Lastly, the ISO should be adjusted to achieve the correct exposure.
(Read more about mastering the exposure triangle here.)
If you’re uncomfortable using manual mode, you can use the shutter priority mode marked as S or Tv, depending on the camera. This way, you can choose the shutter speed, and the camera will compensate for the exposure, setting the aperture automatically.
If you’re using a smartphone, you can use the Pro mode of the camera app to adjust the camera settings manually.
Tip 2 – Try burst mode and prompts
Credit: Killfile, CC-BY-2.0, via Flickr
When you’re doing action shots, it may be challenging to catch the perfect moment – that’s why the burst mode can save the day.
While the camera is set to burst mode, it will continue to take pictures at a high-speed rate for as long as you’re pressing the shutter.
You don’t want to do this the entire time your kids play, or you’ll end up with hundreds of pictures to cull and discard. So, you should probably come up with prompts or activities.
This way, you can press the shutter as you give them the prompt, such as “toss the ball” or ” jump over the sprinkler.” Most smartphones have a burst feature as well, so don’t worry!
Don’t forget to balance these activities with some free play, where you capture some candid moments.

Tip 3 – Choose the best focus mode
Credit: Gary Cole
The best way to keep your kids in focus even while moving is to set the camera to autofocus and choose the Continuous Focus mode (AI Servo in Canon cameras).
If your camera has a tracking mode, especially if it can recognize faces, you’ll get even better results.
However, if your camera’s autofocus isn’t fast or accurate enough, you can switch to manual mode. Since you probably won’t be able to keep up with your child’s movements, it’s better to choose a fixed point, such as the sprinkler.
Then, make sure you have a wide depth of field. You can achieve this with a narrow aperture and a wide-angle lens. This way, you can take pictures while your kid is close to the sprinkler, so they’re inside the ‘sharp’ zone.

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If you use this technique, make sure you adjust the focal point if you change your position.
Tip 4 – Consider the light’s direction
Credit: Mi Pham
When photographing your kids playing with the sprinkler, the best scenario is to have the sun behind them and a little to the side – so it doesn’t hit the camera directly.
This backlighting is very flattering and will add sparkle to the scene. If possible, do it close to the sunset so you can catch the golden hour – this will add warm tones to the scene.
However, this may not be possible if the sun sets close to your child’s bedtime or even after. This, of course, depends on where you live and your child’s age and habits.

Tip 5 – Make a rainbow
Credit: Alistair
Did you know that it’s possible to make a rainbow in your backyard? Whether you’re using a garden hose or a sprinkler, you just need to position it so that the water gets hit by direct sunlight.
You should find the best vantage point for the rainbow to look its brightest, and it’s also possible to make a double rainbow if you get the right angle.
If you want, you can also enhance the effect in post-production later. In any case, a rainbow makes the sprinkler photos of your kids even more special and magical.
Tip 6 – Use a neutral background
Credit: Stocksnap via Pixabay
While the position of the light is important – especially if you’re trying to catch a rainbow – you should also keep an eye on the background.
Whenever possible, choose to shoot against a tree line or a wall covered with ivy – anything that’s neutral. This way, the background won’t steal attention from the main subject.

Tip 7 – Use props

Capturing emotions is the best way to create engaging pictures – that’s why the children’s joy and excitement are already enough to make a great photo.
However, if you want to add some visual interest, you can use props. This also gives your child more playful possibilities so they can have a great time.
The first prop you should consider is the sprinkler itself. While any garden sprinkler does the job, there are some fantastic sprinklers on the market. Some of them twirl, others have fun shapes to play with, etc.
You can also add other props, such as beach balls and outdoor toys.
Happy snapping!

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