Your Camera Takes Such Great Pictures!

We all know that it’s the camera that takes the photos, right?

The Phoblographer realizes that, as a publication, we don’t always have to be so serious. So, each weekend, we work to bring you a bit of fun in our Humor section. Inspired by some of the classic political cartoons of other publications, we’re tapping into some of the things that only photographers love to laugh about. And we’re turning those into cartoons that we think you’ll want to share with lots of the rest of your friends in the photo community. Yes, we believe and hope that you have friends in the photo world.

You can expect to see these cartoons once a week on Saturdays for as long as we keep doing this. You can tune in on the weekends for this cartoon and more as things continue to happen.

Most of all, however, we hope that they bring you joy, even for at least a little bit. Ideally, they’ll bring you joy in a way that you recognize. Sometimes, you may moan. At other times, you’ll probably roll your eyes. There’s nothing wrong with genuinely showing off a bit of a laugh or a smile.

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