This is what happens when a fine woodworker builds a camera

I’m a guy. As such, I like to make stuff. This means I also like to watch videos of other people making stuff on YouTube. And one of those channels I’ve been subscribed to for a few years just posted something really interesting.

Australia-based Neil Paskin, who goes by Pask Makes, makes new furniture, tools and other sites using his woodworking and metalworking skills. This time, though, he decided to tackle a project that’s been on his list for a long time. He wanted to build his own camera.

Measuring the focal length

An interesting design for a pinhole camera

As many people do when they make their first camera, Neil’s first is a pinhole camera. With a hole of around 0.3mm and a focal length of 54mm, that meant an aperture of f/180. Using 4×5 large format film, this focal length offers a field of view of around 95 degrees horizontally – or equivalent to around 16mm on a full-frame camera.

Being able to make all of the parts himself – and the tools to help – afforded Neil advantages that many other makes don’t have. But these advantages also give him the freedom to choose any design he likes, not just one that’s simple to construct.

Assembling the shutter

It’s a very interesting design, with a curved front and flat back for holding a 4×5 sheet film holder. Obviously, there’s no “through the lens” viewing for your composition, but your smartphone can get you pretty close, with various apps to simulate different fields of view.

It might be interesting to try modifying a 4×5 sheet film holder to hold a piece of ground glass. That would let you see the view through the lens. Of course, you’re standing there with a hood over your head like it’s the early 1900s, but you’d be able to see it well enough to compose and then swap out for an actual film holder.

Loading up the film, ready to shoot!

Unfortunately, the plans for the camera aren’t available, although we could hardly expect Neil to release them. But the video offers some great inspiration – not only in camera design and construction techniques but also in which tool to check off our shopping list next!

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